Christensen Links Page Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
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This page contains links to a variety of "stuff" I find interesting and want to share. This page was created by Ken Christensen at the University of South Florida. If you find a broken link please send me email.
[ Graduate school | Academic jobs | Industry jobs | Resume writing | Software development | Humor | Miscellaneous ]
Research |
- Evaluating Computer Scientists and Engineers for Promotion and Tenure - CRA "best practices" that describes what is CS research
- How to Read a Paper - A paper on how to read academic papers from S. Keshav
- Why I Gave Your Paper a Strong Reject - Matt Welsh on reviewing papers (part 1 of 2)
- Why I Gave Your Paper a Strong Accept - Matt Welsh on reviewing papers (part 2 of 2)
Teaching |
- Ten Commandments for Teaching - A teaching philosophy from Yale Patt (UT-Austin)
- Teaching, It's a Simple Game - A teaching philosophy from John D. Arras (UVA)
- Teaching Teaching and Understanding Understanding - A short film about teaching (endorsed by Microsoft at SIGCSE 2006)
- Computer Science Educator's Hub - A collection of teaching materials for computer science
Writing |
- Writing for Computer Science by Justin Zobel - A great book on how to write (and do research) specifically for Computer Science
- Elements of Style by Strunk and While - A must have classic book on issues of style and grammar
- How to Write an Abstract - Advice from Philip Koopman
- How to Write a Scientific Abstract in Six Easy Steps - Advice from Steve Easterbrook
- How to Write the Introduction to a Paper - From Rod Sherwood's homepage
- How to Write a Great Research Paper - Advice from Simon Jones
- Writing Systems and Networking Articles - Advice from Henning Schulzerinne
- How to Write a Paper - Advice from Oded Goldreich
- Top-10 Tips for Writing a Paper - Advice from Jim Kurose
- How to Write a Thesis Statement - At the start is always a thesis statement
- Dissertation Advice - Advice from Olin Shivers (the importance of a thesis statement)
- How to Write a Dissertation - From Douglas Comer's website
- A Guide to Writing Mathematics - A guide by Kevin P. Lee
- IEEE Computer Society Style Guide - IEEE-CS style guide for conference and journal papers
- Computer Science Style Guide Suggestions - Writing references in ACM, APA, and IEEE style from Dalhousie University
Proposals |
- NSF CAREER Proposal Writing Tips - Collection of advice edited by ZJ Pei
- How to Write a Great Research Proposal - Advice from Simon Jones
- Ph.D. Proposal Writing - A presentation on preparing a Ph.D. proposal by Sandhya Dwarkadas
Talks |
- The fairy tale as a way to structure a systems talk - Advice from Margo Seltzer
- How to give a great research talk - Advice from Simon Jones
- How to organize a presentation - Advice from Quora
Posters |
- Creating Effective Poster Presentations :: An Effective Poster - A super poster resource at NCSU
Graduate school |
- Whether, Why, and How to Get a Ph.D. in Computer Science - Advice from UCSD CSE
- HOWTO: Get into grad school for science, engineering, math and computer science - Advice from Matt Might
- - An entire website dedicated to writing the statement of purpose
- How to write a statement of purpose - Advice for Northeastern University
- A graduate school survival guide - Thoughts from Ronald Azuma (UNC Computer Science)
- How To Succeed in Graduate School - Thoughts from Rod Sherwood (University of Maryland, Computer Science)
- How to Have Bad Career as a Grad Student by Christos Kozyrakis - A take-off on Patterson's famous talk (linked below)
- Advice for Computer Science College Students - Advice from Joel Spolsky
- Advice for Undergraduates Considering Graduate School - Some great advice from Phil Agre
- How to Grade a Dissertation - Thoughts on evaluating a dissertation from Barbara Lovitts
- Managing Your Advisor - Advice from Nick Feamster
Academic jobs |
- The Academic Job Search Handbook, Fifth Edition by Julia Miller Vick and Jennifer S. Furlong - A great book for the academic job seeker
- Academic Job Search Advice - Advice from Matt Might
- Advice for Landing a Faculty Position - Advice from Jennifer Rexford
- Landing an Academic Job - The Process and the Pitfalls - Advice from Jonathan Dantzig
- How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia - Advice from David Patterson
Industry jobs |
- Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google by William Poundstone - A good book for mastering puzzle and algorithm questions
- Cracking the Code Interview by Gayle Leakmann McDowell - The book for preparing for a Google interview
- The No. 1 skill companies are hiring - from CNBC (dated May 2024)
- Amazon CEO: An embarrassing amount of your success depends on this one skill - from CNBC (dated May 2024)
- AlgoExpert - Ace the Technical Interviews - A study resource for algorithms and data structures related interview questions
- Crazy Amounts of Salary - Discussion and advice on tech interviews from Quora
- Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility - Famous Netflix culture presentation
- The Market for Computing Careers - Statistics from BLS on future jobs in the US
- Working at Google - A series of YouTube videos on working at Google from 2018
- Microsoft University Careers - A series of YouTube videos on career at Microsoft for "fresh outs" from 2021
Resume writing |
- Yale College: Resume Templates - Some really good resume templates and advice
- STAR Method Resume - How to write a resume with Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR)
- Linkedin profile for Aaron H. - A recruiter for Tesla that shares a lot of good insights
Software development |
- The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th Anniversary Edition by Fred Brooks - A timeless book on large-scale software development
- C++ Coding Standards - Joint Strike Fighter - Style guidelines (Doc file) for C++
- Christensen C Programming Style Guidelines - Style guidelines for my students to follow
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Sockets programming guide
Humor |
- Piled Higher and Deeper - Comics about the graduate school experience
- XKCD - A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math, and Language - A very cerebral comic strip
- CS Topic Generator - Automated generation of thesis topic and literature review from Douglas Comer's website
- Two Parables for Graduate Students - The importance of a good advisor
- Cartoons by Randy Glasbergen - Computer-related cartoons
- The Classic Project Management Cartoon - What the customer ordered, etc.
- Engineer versus Computer Scientist - Which one are you?
- Protolol - Protocol jokes
- What the Professor Really Means - Making fun of professor-speak
- Life after Death by Powerpoint - Some useful hints for Powerpoint presentations (YouTube)
- Chicken Chicken (the paper) and (the video) - A classic paper and presentation
Miscellaneous |
- What (Who?) Is a University? - A great article by John Schwenkler
- Duke Commencement Speech by Jerry Seinfeld - "I say the hell with passion" (dated 2024).
- How to Speak - Classic talk from Patrick Winston at MIT (dated 2018)
- Rick Rigsby on lessons from a third grade dropout - Viral motivational talk (date 2017)
- What Most Schools Don't Teach - The need to learn to program video from (dated 2013)
- Make the Future - A Career in Computer Science - A "Computer Science is cool" video from Microsoft (dated 2006)