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CNT 4419, Spring 2025
Secure Coding


Assignment II will be posted on 3/31 and due on 4/6. Quizzes are being given at the end of every Wednesday class, from 1/22 to 4/23.

Course materials


Assignment I

Assignment II

Quiz 1/22

Quiz 1/29

Quiz 2/5

Quiz 2/12

Quiz 2/19

Quiz 2/26

Quiz 3/5

Quiz 3/12

Quiz 3/26

Schedule (filled in as the semester progresses)

Week Dates Topics Textbook Reading
1 1/13, 1/15 Introduction; Definitions (policy, mechanism, enforcement) Chapter 1
2 01/22 Definitions (property, CIA, safety, liveness) Optional: Enforceable Security Policies
3 1/27, 1/29 Definitions (property, CIA, safety, liveness) Class notes
4 2/03, 2/05 Definitions (property, CIA, safety, liveness); (Un)Enforceability Class notes
5 2/10, 2/12 Review; (Un)Enforceability; Threats Chapter 2
6 2/17, 2/19 Threats; Tradeoffs Class notes
7 2/24, 2/26 Secure design; Access control Chapter 3, Appendix A
8 3/03, 3/05 Access control; Buffer overflows Chapters 5-6
9 3/10, 3/12 Buffer overflows Class notes
10 3/24, 3/26 Format-string and integer-overflow attacks Class notes
11 3/31, 4/02 Other memory-corruption vulnerabilities; Networking and communications; Protocols; Firewalls; IDSs Class notes
12 4/07, 4/09
13 4/14, 4/16
14 4/21, 4/23
15 4/28, 4/30
Final 5/07 Final Exam, 12:30-2:30pm All quizzes and exam are cumulative