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The latest version of FFTW may be found on the Web at the FFTW home page:


As distributed, FFTW makes very few assumptions about your system. All you need is an ANSI C compiler (gcc is fine, although vendor-provided compilers often produce faster code). If you have a Unix system (Linux is fine), you can simply type make install in the src directory. This command will create a library called libfftw.a and install it in /usr/local/lib. Also, the header file fftw.h is installed in /usr/local/include. (You can change these locations by editing the prefix variable in the Makefile.) The default compiler used is gcc, and there are some default CFLAGS specified in the Makefile.

If you have a non-Unix system that does not provide make, it is still possible to compile the source code. However, the Makefile we provide will probably not work, and you will have to build the library yourself; you must also install the library and the header file fftw.h. (You just have to compile all the .c files in the src directory and link them into a library.)

There are two things that you might want to consider doing in order to get a better installation of FFTW. First, if your system supports a high-resolution clock, it is advisable to use it. This will reduce the time spent creating plans. Second, if you know that you will only use transforms of a certain size (say, powers of 2), you may reconfigure FFTW to support only those sizes you are interested in. You may even generate code to support transforms of a size not supported by the default distribution. The default distribution supports transforms of any size, but not all sizes are equally fast. The default installation of FFTW is best at handling sizes of the form 2a 3b 5c 7d 11e 13f where the exponents of 11 and 13 are either 0 or 1, and the other exponents are arbitrary. Other sizes are computed by means of a slow, general-purpose routine. However, if you have an application that requires fast transforms of size, say, 17, there is a way to generate specialized code to handle that.

Customizing the clock

FFTW needs a reasonably precise clock in order to find the optimal way to compute a transform. By default, FFTW uses the Unix clock() function for timings. This is very portable, but it also means that FFTW must run for a long time in order to get reliable measurements.

If your machine supports a high-resolution clock, it is therefore advisable to use it. You must edit the last part of src/fftw.h. There are a few macros you must redefine: look at how we handled Solaris and the MacOS for examples.

Even if you don't install high-resolution timing code, we still recommend that you look at the FFTW_TIME_MIN constant in src/fftw.h. This constant holds the minimum time interval (in seconds) required to get accurate timing measurements, and should be (at least) several hundred times the resolution of your clock. The default constants are on the conservative side, and may cause FFTW to take longer than necessary when you create a plan. Set FFTW_TIME_MIN to whatever is appropriate on your system (be sure to set the right FFTW_TIME_MIN...there are several definitions in fftw.h, corresponding to different platforms and timers).

As an aid in checking the resolution of your clock, you can use the tests/fftw_test program with the -t option (c.f. tests/README). Remember, the mere fact that your clock reports times in, say, picoseconds, does not mean that it is actually accurate to that resolution.

Generating your own code

The program src/genfft.ml was used to generate the code that FFTW uses to compute the transforms. We do not expect casual users to use it. genfft is a rather sophisticated program that generates abstract syntax trees and performs algebraic simplifications on them. genfft is written in Caml Light, a dialect of ML. Caml Light is available from ftp.inria.fr in the directory lang/caml-light.

If you have Caml Light installed, you can type make sources to re-generate the sources. At this point, you can generate any source you want, of course: just change the Makefile and src/config.c to make FFTW aware of the new functions you want to use.

We do not provide more details about the code-generation process, since we do not expect that users will need to generate their own code. However, feel free to contact us at fftw@theory.lcs.mit.edu if you are interested in the subject.

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