Srinivas Katkoori
Srinivas Katkoori is a Computer Science and Engineering faculty at the University of South Florida (USF), Tampa, FL. His research group is actively conducting research on related topics such as low power digital VLSI design, reliable system design, Internet-of-Things (IoT), smart embedded systems, smart transportation, smart healthcare, etc. Dr. Katkoori has directed 16 doctoral dissertations and 41 Master’s Theses in the general discipline of Embedded Systems Design and Optimization. Dr. Katkoori serves on technical committees of several VLSI and embedded conferences and is a peer reviewer for many smart embedded systems journals and conferences. To date, he published over 125 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Four papers he has co-authored were nominated for best paper awards at 2003 ASP-DAC, 2014 IFIP/IEEE VLSI SOC, 2019 AsianHOST, and 2020 IEEE iSES conferences. One paper he co-authored is recognized with best paper award at 2020 IEEE iSES symposium. Among notable professional service, Dr. Katkoori served on ACM SIGDA Board (2010- 2013) as Treasurer, as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on VLSI (2006-10), and since 2015, he is serving as the vice-chair of IFIP Working Group 10.5 on Design and Engineering of Electronic Systems. Dr. Katkoori served as the General Chair of the 2019 2nd IFIP IoT Conference and 2020 IEEE International Symposium of Electronic Systems. Dr. Katkoori received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1998. He is a Senior member of ACM and IEEE. As of Jun 2024 , per Google Scholar, his research publications had 3196 citations, with a h-index of 25, and i10-index of 59.
Research Interests: Smart Embedded Systems (Smart Transportation, Smart Health-care, Smart Caregiving), Hardware Security, Internet-of-Things (IoT), Emerging Technologies, In-Memory Computing, Electronic Design Automation, VLSI IC Design, FPGAs.