REMOTE simulation execution tool

Overview of the REMOTE tool

The REMOTE tool allows for automatic remote execution of console mode programs (such as CSIM18 simulation models) on network-connected Windows PC's. The REMOTE tools consists of a master PC with a host list and job list. The host list contains all PCs running the remote program. The job list contains a list of executable files and their associated input and output files. The master program sends out the executable program and input files to the remote PCs and then receives the output files sent back from the remote PCs. The REMOTE tool enables idle PC CPU cycles to be used for compute intensive tasks, such as parallel independent replications (PIR) of simulation programs.

The remote program can run on any network connected Windows PC. The remote PCs need not run Windows "server" or be specially configured in any way. The remote program has built-in security to allow only file transfers and remote executions from the designated master PC.

Downloading, installing, and using the REMOTE tool

The REMOTE tool is written in standard ANSI C with calls to Winsock functions. The tool is buildable with both Borland and Microsoft C compilers. The source code is entirely free with no restrictions on use. Download the tool here... Unzip the downloaded file and see the readme.txt for instructions. There are three executable files, they are master.exe, remote.exe, and mm1.exe. Enter master help or remote help for help. Contact to Ken Christensen ( for further assistance or to report a bug.

The REMOTE++ tool

As part of an NSF REU, Ashley Hopkins developed REMOTE++. REMOTE++ changes REMOTE to use standard rsh to transfer files and initiate remote execution. This greatly simplifies the implementation of REMOTE and also improves its operation. The REMOTE++ tool is downloadable here... This tool uses the free version of rsh by Silviu Marghescu. A bug that prevented successful transfer of binary files was fixed. The fixed version is here (zip file). An enhanced version that contains a command-line password feature is here (zip file).


The following papers have appeared:
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. 9875177. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflects the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Last updated by Ken Christensen on DECEMBER 20, 2003