This page contains the outline for Computer Networks
for fall 2018. Changes to this outline will be announced in class and will
also be posted on the updates page. The reading
assignments are all from the text (unless otherwise noted) and should be
completed before the listed week. Note that additional reading may
be assigned in class (and will be posted on the
new readings page).
Week #1 (08/20/18) - Introduction and overview
- Topics: Basic communications model. Protocol layers and service models.
Basic definitions. The OSI model. The Internet protocols. The role of
standards organizations.
- Reading: None
- Events: None
Week #2 (08/27/18) - Overview of the Internet
- Topics: What is the Internet? Delay in the Internet (traceroute and ping).
History of the Internet. Security in the Internet. Concept of Quality of
Service (QoS).
- Reading: Preface plus Chapter 1
- Events: Assignment #1 due Thursday at the beginning of class
Week #3 (09/03/18) - Application layer
- Topics: Application layer protocols. Client-server as a key model. Web,
HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, and DNS. Peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Protocol
- Reading: Chapter 2 thru 2.6 and see also new readings.
- Events: None
Week #4 (09/10/18) - Sockets programming
- Topics: Sockets programming in C. A simple client-server implementation.
A simple web server implementation. Brief discussion of project.
- Reading: Chapter 2.7 thru end-of-chapter
- Events: Assignment #2 due Thursday at the beginning of class
Week #5 (09/17/18) - Transport layer
- Topics: Brief discussion of project. Reliable data transfer -
Stop-and-wait and Go-back-N design and evaluation. TCP and UDP semantics
and syntax.
- Reading: Chapter 3 thru 3.4
- Events: None
Week #6 (09/24/18) - Transport layer (continued)
- Topics: TCP RTT estimation. Principles of congestion control -
efficiency and fairness, reactive and proactive.
- Reading: Chapter 3.5 thru end-of-chapter
- Events: Assignment #3 due Thursday at the beginning of class
Week #7 (10/01/18) - Security in networks
- Topics: Threats and attacks. Symmetric and public key cryptography.
Authentication. Firewalls. VPNs.
- Reading: Chapter 8
- Events: None
Week #8 (10/08/18) - Network layer and routing
- Topics: Principles of routing. Inside an IP router. IP semantics
and syntax. Multicast routing.
- Reading: Chapter 4.1 thru 4.3, 4.5, and end-of-chapter
- Events: Assignment #4 due Thursday at the beginning of class
Week #9 (10/15/18) - Network layer and routing
- Topics: Link-state and distance vector routing. Midterm exam review.
- Reading: Chapter 5.1 thru 5.3, 5.7, and end-of-chapter
- Events: Midterm Exam on Thursday in class.
Week #10 (10/22/18) - Link layer (continued)
- Topics: Error detection (parity, checksum, and CRC). Multiple access
protocols (collision and token based). IEEE 802.3 Ethernet.
- Reading: Chapter 6 thru 6.3
- Events: None
Week #11 (10/29/18) - Link layer (continued) and physical layer
- Topics: Switching and bridging. Media. Signal strength and
interference. Data encoding.
- Reading: Chapter 6.4 thru end-of-chapter
- Events: Assignment #5 due Thursday at the beginning of class
Week #12 (11/05/18) - Wireless and mobile networks
- Topics: IEEE 802.11 WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular networks
- Reading: Chapter 7
- Events: None
Week #13 (11/12/18) - Network management
- Topics: What is network management. SNMP. Other tools and trouble-shooting.
Traffic analysis. Configuration management.
- Reading: Chapter 5.6 and 5.7
- Events: Assignment #6 due Thursday at the beginning of class.
Week #14 (11/19/18) - Hot topics -- IoT, NFV, and SDN
- Topics: Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT).
Review for comprehensive final exam.
- Reading: Chapter 4.4 and 5.5
- Events: None
Week #15 (11/26/18) - Course wrap-up and review for final exam
- Topics: Course wrap-up and review for comprehensive final exam.
- Reading: None
- Events: Assignment #7 due Tuesday at the beginning of class. Project due on
Monday by 8pm for 110% maximum grade, Tuesday by 8pm for 105% maximum grade,
and Wednesday by 8pm for 100% maximum grade.
Week #16 (12/03/18) - Final Exam week
- Topics: None
- Reading: None
- Events: Comprehensive final exam at 12:30pm on Thursday, December 6th
Last update on November 4, 2018