
This page contains the outline for Computer Networks for fall 2018. Changes to this outline will be announced in class and will also be posted on the updates page. The reading assignments are all from the text (unless otherwise noted) and should be completed before the listed week. Note that additional reading may be assigned in class (and will be posted on the new readings page).

Week #1 (08/20/18) - Introduction and overview

Week #2 (08/27/18) - Overview of the Internet

Week #3 (09/03/18) - Application layer

Week #4 (09/10/18) - Sockets programming

Week #5 (09/17/18) - Transport layer

Week #6 (09/24/18) - Transport layer (continued)

Week #7 (10/01/18) - Security in networks

Week #8 (10/08/18) - Network layer and routing

Week #9 (10/15/18) - Network layer and routing

Week #10 (10/22/18) - Link layer (continued)

Week #11 (10/29/18) - Link layer (continued) and physical layer

Week #12 (11/05/18) - Wireless and mobile networks

Week #13 (11/12/18) - Network management

Week #14 (11/19/18) - Hot topics -- IoT, NFV, and SDN

Week #15 (11/26/18) - Course wrap-up and review for final exam

Week #16 (12/03/18) - Final Exam week

Last update on November 4, 2018