Final Submission

This page describes the final submission for Senior Project. Any exceptions to the below need to be approved by the instructor.

Final submission format

All deliverables for the class need to be submitted at the end of the semester (the syllabus gives the due date). Submit all deliverables in a single PDF document organized as follows. The front cover of the document should be a descriptive cover page including the name of your project, company, semester, and names of students. If you are able to do so (and if you have Adobe Acrobat, you are able!) please create a bookmark table-of-contents to navigate the document that opens by default. An example of this is here (your labels would be as below - Requirements, Specification, and so on). Open the document in Adobe (not in your browser) to see the bookmarks panel. Please understand that neatness matters!

The items to be submitted in the PDF document are as follows. Please follow the below order. Use the below as a checklist.

  1. Requirements document
  2. Specification document
  3. Test plan document
  4. Design review presentation slides (2 slides per page)
  5. Final presentation slides (2 slides per page)
  6. Press release
  7. Poster (8.5 x 11 inch size)
  8. Status reports
  9. Short description of what new knowledge (so, skills, tools, etc.) that you learned to complete your project and how you learned them
  10. Miscellaneous and other
Additional items to be submitted in softcopy in a separate zip file are:
  1. Final presentation video (notably, the demo video)
  2. All source code
  3. Readme file describing organization and contents of the zip file.
Students may keep any hardware and/or other supplies or materials that they purchased to complete their project.

Last update on December 2, 2025