This page contains the syllabus for Senior Project
for Spring 2025.
CIS 4910 (Section 001) - Computer Science and Engineering Project
Spring 2025 - 3 credit hours
Class meeting time and location: Friday 11:00am to 1:45pm in
ENC 1002
Class website:
Instructor: Dr. Ken Christensen
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Office location: ENB 319
Office hours: By appointment (send email - in-person or Teams meetings
are welcome)
University course description: Offers a focused team-based design
experience incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple
realistic constraints. Projects are proposed by industry and/or other partners
and are completed within a defined development process.
Prerequisites: The prerequisite for this class is successful completion
of Data Structures (COP 4530) and Senior standing. This course is typically
taken in the last semester (or second to last semester) before
Required textbook: None. Required readings are posted on the
readings page.
ABET statement on capstone design: This course meets ABET EAC Criterion 5
Curriculum "(d) a culminating major engineering design experience that 1)
incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple constraints, and
2) is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course
Course objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, a student will:
- Become familiar with team work (team size of 3 to 5 students) for completion
of industry projects and will learn how to partition a project between team
- Learn to follow a formal development process to complete a project in a
- Learn how to write a requirements document, specification document, and test
plan document.
- Learn how to implement their software and/or hardware project in a
schedule-driven process based on their requirements and specification documents.
- Learn how to test their project based on their test plan document.
- Understand how to produce a final report (both oral and written),
poster, and press release describing their project.
- In the process of meeting the course requirements, students will experience
all phases of project development and thereby will gain an appreciation of the
demands of those project phases.
Course topics and course flow:
- Week 1: Course overview, selection of project, and lecture on generating
- Week 2: Lecture on ABET, who is an engineer, product development and
engineering design processes, constraints, and standards.
- Week 3: Lecture on project planning and management, risk analysis,
testing, and teamwork.
- Week 4: Lecture on engineering communications (oral and written) and peer
design review.
- Week 5: Overflow and review of previous topics. Supervised work day.
- Week 6: Peer design review day #1
- Week 7: Peer design review day #2
- Week 8: Industry lecture (or other topic) #1
- Week 9: Industry lecture (or other topic) #2
- Week 10: Spring Break
- Week 11: MVP (prototype) demo week
- Week 12: Industry lecture (or other topic) #3
- Week 13: Industry Lecture (or other topic) #4
- Week 14: Industry lecture (or other topic) #5
- Week 15: Industry lecture (or other topic) #6
- Week 16: Final presentation and demo
- Week 17: Final exam
Detailed course outline: A detailed course outline that includes
weekly lecture topics, readings, events, and deliverables is here,
Course requirements and grading: The grade breakdown is:
- Status reports with video demos 5% (due 1/31/25, 2/14/25, 3/07/25,
4/11/25, and 4/25/25)
- Requirements document (due Friday 02/07/25 by 5pm)
- Peer design review presentation and participation 10% (presentation on
- Specification document (due Friday 03/07/25 by 5pm)
- Test plan document (due Friday 03/14/25 by 5pm)
- MVP demo 25% (must be completed by 03/28/25 by 5pm)
- Final presentation and deliverables 50% (presentation and demo on 05/02/25,
final deliverables also due on 05/02/25 by 5pm)
- Final exam 10% (on 05/05/25 at 8pm in the classroom)
The grading scale is no worse than (there are no "+" or "-" grades) the
below. Grade cut-offs may be adjusted downwards at the discretion of the
- A = 90% through 100%
- B = 80% through 89%
- C = 70% through 79%
- D = 60% through 69%
- F = Less than 60%
The instructor may add or deduct points from the overall grade of a student in
the case of exemplary ("above and beyond") contribution or lack of contribution
to the overall project. Status reports are the primary - but not the
only - mechanism for this determination. Attendance can factor in here too.
Academic integrity:
- Students are encouraged to use open source materials. Students may use LLM
tools (such as ChatGPT, CoPilot, etc.). All open source licenses must be
followed. Any code generated by an LLM, or any other tool or resource, must
be noted as such. This is very important. Problems occur when students
present something as their own (either intentionally or by error of omission
of reference). The University has a regulation on academic integrity, find it
USF Regulation 3.027.
Course procedures:
- Ambassador role. In this course you will represent USF to area
companies (or represent our Department to other units on campus). Please be
courteous and professional. Non-professional behavior includes missing or
tardiness to (or sleeping in) guest lectures, failing to make scheduled
meetings, and inappropriate communications. Such behavior can result in a
reduction in the final grade. Please note that many guest speakers will
consider late arriving students and students with laptops "up" as
- Late work. If you must submit work late you need to talk to me
before the due date in question. Otherwise, late work cannot be accepted
except in cases of verifiable emergencies.
- Incomplete grade. Incomplete ("I") grades will not be given in
this class.
USF core syllabus policies:
- USF has a set of central policies related to student recording class
sessions, academic integrity and grievances, student accessibility services,
academic disruption, religious observances, academic continuity, food
insecurity, and sexual harassment that apply to all courses at USF.
Be sure to review these online at:
- February 13, 2025 - Scheduled two design review days, shifted spec and
test plan due dates by one week (to 3/7/25 and 3/14/25, respectively)
- January 17, 2025 - Corrected due dates for status report with video
- January 14, 2025 - Original document generated.
Last update on February 13, 2025