Last updated: June 25, 2018

Welcome to the FAQ page for the USF Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate program. This FAQ is for students in the BSCS, BSCpE, BSIT, and BSCyS programs in the Department. This FAQ is intended to serve as a useful reference for students entering the program and already in the program - in all cases, the USF undergraduate catalog is the authoritative and definitive reference. This FAQ page is maintained by Ken Christensen. Please report any errors that you may find.

Questions that apply to all programs:

  1. Where are the electives listed for the undergraduate programs?
  2. Where are the key forms located for the undergraduate programs?
  3. How do waiting lists work?
  4. How can I find an internship?
  5. Can I get academic credit for an internship?
  6. Are there any Departmental scholarships?
  7. How does grade forgiveness work?
  8. What are excess hours?
  9. Who is the undergraduate advisor and where can I find him or her?

Questions specific to the CS and CpE programs:

  1. What are the admission requirements for the CS and CpE programs?
  2. How do I get a permit for Program Design (COP 3514)?
  3. How do I get a permit for Computer Organization (CDA 3103)?
  4. How do I get a permit for Object Oriented Design (COP 3331)?
  5. What is the pre-req for CIS 4900, CIS 4915, and CIS 4940?
  6. How many credit hours of CIS 4900, CIS 4915, and/or CIS 4940 can I have?
  7. What is Senior Project (CIS 4910) and where can I find more information?
  8. How do I get a permit for Ethical Issues and Professional Conduct (CIS 4250)?

Questions specific to the IT and CyS programs:

  1. What are the admission requirements for the IT program?
  2. What is the pre-req for COP 4900 and CIS 4947?
  3. How many credit hours of COP 4900 and/or CIS 4947 can I have?
  4. What is Senior Project (CIS 4935) and where can I find more information?
  5. How do I get a permit for Ethics for IT (CIS 4235)?

Questions that apply to all programs:

  1. Where are the electives listed for the undergraduate programs?

  2. Where are the key forms located for the undergraduate programs?

  3. How do waiting lists work?
    • Waiting lists as run by the Registrar's Office do not fully support multiple course sections, split graduate/undergraduate courses, and other attributes of our courses. In past semesters we have had many problems when using waiting lists. Starting in Spring 2019, waiting lists will no longer be used. We will continue to survey students during the registration period for problems with scheduling courses and will intervene as necessary. Our goal is that every student have a full schedule every semester. Watch for emails from the Department Advisor during registation.

  4. How can I find an internship?

  5. Can I get academic credit for an internship?

  6. Are there any Departmental scholarships?

  7. How does grade forgiveness work?

  8. What are excess hours?

  9. Who is the undergraduate advisor and where can I find him or her?

Questions specific to the CS and CpE programs:

  1. What are the admission requirements for the CS and CpE programs?

  2. How do I get a permit for Program Design (COP 3514)? Needs fixing
    • For a Fall or Spring semester, you can find a link to an online permit request form by searching for Program Design in OASIS and the link will be immediately below the title of the course. For Summer semester, please see the Department CS and CpE undergraduate advisor. Permits are awarded based on availability and progress and performance in the courses required for admission into the CS and CpE programs (3.1 GPA for Calculus I and II, Physics I and II, and Composition I and II starting in Fall 2018). Permits are not granted to students whose grades are unlikely to meet the Department admission requirements and/or who have not completed up to at least Calculus 2 and Physics 1.

  3. How do I get a permit for Computer Organization (CDA 3103)? Needs fixing

  4. How do I get a permit for Object Oriented Design (COP 3331)?
    • This is the same procedure as for requesting a permit for Computer Organization described above. Note that you must have passed Program Design with a B or better.

  5. What is the pre-req for CIS 4900, CIS 4915, and CIS 4940?

  6. How many credit hours of CIS 4900, CIS 4915, and/or CIS 4940 can I have?

  7. What is Senior Project (CIS 4910) and where can I find more information?

  8. How do I get a permit for Ethical Issues and Professional Conduct (CIS 4250)?

Questions specific to the IT and CyS programs:

  1. What are the admission requirements for the IT and CyS program?

  2. What is the pre-req for COP 4900 and CIS 4947?

  3. How many credit hours of COP 4900 and/or CIS 4947 can I have?
    • You may earn up to 9 credit hours of COP 4900 and/or CIS 4947 credit, no more than 3 credit hours in any one given company for CIS 4947 credit.

  4. What is Senior Project (CIS 4935) and where can I find more information?

  5. How do I get a permit for Ethics for IT (CIS 4235)?