/* File ast.h Abstract-syntax-tree data structure for DISM */ #ifndef AST_H #define AST_H /* define types of AST nodes */ typedef enum { INSTR_LIST, LABELED_INSTR, ADD_AST, SUB_AST, MUL_AST, MOV_AST, LOD_AST, STR_AST, JMP_AST, BEQ_AST, BLT_AST, RDN_AST, PTN_AST, HLT_AST, LABEL_AST, INT_AST } ASTNodeType; /* define a list of AST nodes */ typedef struct astlistnode { struct astnode *data; struct astlistnode *next; } ASTList; /* define the actual AST nodes */ typedef struct astnode { ASTNodeType typ; /* list of children nodes: */ ASTList *childrenHead; /* node attribute: */ char *text; } ASTree; /* METHODS TO CREATE AND MANIPULATE THE AST */ /* Create a new AST node of type t */ ASTree *newAST(ASTNodeType t, ASTree *child1, ASTree *child2, ASTree *child3, char *attribute); /* Prepend an AST node to a parent's list of children */ ASTree *prependAST(ASTree *newChild, ASTree *parent); /* Print the AST to stdout with indentations marking tree depth. */ void printAST(ASTree *t); #endif