/* File symtbl.h: Enhanced symbol-table data structures for DJ */ #ifndef SYMTBL_H #define SYMTBL_H #include "ast.h" /* METHOD TO SET UP GLOBALS (INCLUDING SYMBOL TABLES) */ /* Using the parameter AST representing the whole program, allocate and build the global symbol-table data. NOTE on typing conventions: This compiler represents types as integers. The DJ type denoted by int i is: The ith class declared in the source program, if i > 0 Object, if i = 0 nat, if i = -1 "any-object" (i.e., the type of "null"), if i = -2 "no-object" (i.e., the type of Object's superclass), if i = -3 Undefined (i.e., an illegal type), if i < -3 When i>=0, the symbol table for type (i.e., class) i is at classesST[i]. NOTE on typechecking: This method does NOT perform any checks on the symbol tables it builds, although the entry for the Object class (in classesST[0]) will of course be free of errors. E.g., variable/method/class names may appear multiple times in the tables, and types may be invalid. If the DJ program declares a variable of an undefined type, that type will appear as -4 in the symbol table. */ void setupSymbolTables(ASTree *fullProgramAST); /* HELPER METHOD TO CONVERT TYPE NAMES TO NUMBERS */ /* Returns the number for a given type name. Returns: -4 if type does not exist, -1 for nat, 0 for Object, 1 for first class declared in program, 2 for 2nd class declared in program, etc. (-2 and -3 are reserved for "any-object" and "no-object" types) Determines number for given type name using the global variable wholeProgram (defined below). */ int typeNameToNumber(char *typeName); /* TYPEDEFS FOR ENHANCED SYMBOL TABLES */ /* Encapsulate all information relevant to a DJ variable: the variable name, source-program line number on which the variable is declared, variable type, and line number on which the type appears. */ typedef struct vdecls { char *varName; int varNameLineNumber; int type; int typeLineNumber; } VarDecl; /* Encapsulate all information relevant to a DJ method: the method name, return type, parameter names, parameter types, local variables, and method body. */ typedef struct mdecls { char *methodName; int methodNameLineNumber; int returnType; int returnTypeLineNumber; //An array of this method's parameters int numParams; //size of the array VarDecl *paramST; //the array itself //An array of this method's local variables int numLocals; //size of the array VarDecl *localST; //the array itself //The method's executable body ASTree *bodyExprs; } MethodDecl; /* Encapsulate all information relevant to a DJ class: the class name, superclass, and arrays of information about the class's variables and methods. */ typedef struct classinfo { char *className; int classNameLineNumber; int superclass; int superclassLineNumber; //array of variable-field information--the ith element of //the array encapsulates information about the ith //variable field in this class int numVars; //size of the array VarDecl *varList; //the array itself //array of method information--the ith element of the array //encapsulates information about the ith method in this class int numMethods; //size of the array MethodDecl *methodList; //the array itself } ClassDecl; /* GLOBALS THAT PROVIDE EASY ACCESS TO PARTS OF THE AST */ /* THESE GLOBALS GET SET IN setupSymbolTables */ // The entire program's AST ASTree *wholeProgram; // The expression list in the main block of the DJ program ASTree *mainExprs; // Array (symbol table) of locals in the main block int numMainBlockLocals; //size of the array VarDecl *mainBlockST; //the array itself // Array (symbol table) of class declarations // Note that the minimum array size is 1, // due to the always-present Object class int numClasses; //size of the array ClassDecl *classesST; //the array itself #endif