/* This bison-input file simply declares tokens for DJ programs (enumerated below on all the lines that begin with %token) and has a main funtion to repeatedly invoke the lexer. */ %code provides { #include "lex.yy.c" /* Function for printing generic syntax-error messages */ void yyerror(const char *str) { printf("Syntax error on line %d at token %s\n", yylineno,yytext); printf("Halting compiler.\n"); exit(-1); } } %token CLASS ID EXTENDS MAIN NATTYPE BOOLTYPE %token TRUELITERAL FALSELITERAL AND NOT IF ELSE FOR %token NATLITERAL PRINTNAT READNAT PLUS MINUS TIMES EQUALITY LESS %token STATIC ASSIGN NUL NEW THIS DOT INSTANCEOF %token SEMICOLON LBRACE RBRACE LPAREN RPAREN %token ENDOFFILE %start pgm %% pgm : ; %% int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=2) { printf("Usage: lexdj input-filename\n"); exit(-1); } // open the input file yyin = fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(yyin==NULL) { printf("ERROR: could not open file %s\n",argv[1]); exit(-1); } // tokenize the input file while(yylex()!=ENDOFFILE) { } return 0; }