Schedule  for Seminar in AI for Fall 2023. 1pm ENB 118
Sponsored by the Institute for AI+X
This weekly seminar will focus on broad research issues in artificial intelligence, image analysis, computer vision, pattern recognition, robotics, applied machine learning and other relevant fields. 
The purpose of the seminar is to provide the participants with the understanding of current research in these areas, as well as to promote greater awareness and interaction between multiple research groups within USF 
and in the Tampa Bay area. The format of the course is informal. Scheduled presentation by participants and invited speakers are followed by question and answer period. The seminar is open to all  interested in AI research. 
Faculty and researchers interested in these fields are also invited to in person or virtually attend. Please contact Larry Hall ( to be added to the mailing list to get the link for a lecture.
Date Speaker Talk Title
25-Aug Organizational meeting
1-Sep Larry Hall Using SMOTE-baset Data Augmentation for Social Media Time Series Prediction
8-Sep Ning Wang Building Trustworthy Machine Learning Systems under Adversarial Environments
15-Sep Hunter Morera MIMO YOLO - A Multiple Input Multiple Output Model for Automatic Cell Counting
22-Sep Kin Ng Lugo, USF Social Media Activity Forecasting with Exogenous and Endogenous Signals
29-Sep AI+X Symposium
6-Oct Raiyan Abdul Baten Computational Social Science 101
13-Oct Chance Hamilton Reinforcement Learning and Place Cell Replay in Spatial Navigation
20-Oct Ryan Fogarty Classifying Prostate Cancer in Histopathology Images: Gleason Grading, Glandular and Granular
27-Oct L. Hall Promise and Perils of AI
3-Nov Daeun Lee (Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence at Sungkyunkwan University) Detecting Suicidality on Social Media Using Deep Learning
10-Nov Veterans Day
17-Nov Shaun Canavan Context-Aware Affective Computing
24-Nov Thanksgiving Holiday
1-Dec Zhao Han Evaluating AI in Physical World and Coping Failures