updated: 06/14/2024

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Richard Rauscher
Professor of Practice (part-time), Computer Science & Engineering, USF College of Engineering, Tampa, FL

The University of South Florida

personal photo
4202 East Fowler Avenue
ENB 118
Tampa, FL 33620
Office I can occasionally be found roaming the hallways of the 3rd floor of ENB. Now, you can reach me via Microsoft Teams.
E-Mail rauscher "at" usf.edu (take out the "at" and put in @)

CNT 4104, Computer Information Networks for IT, Fall 2024

CNT4104 is expected to be offered as an online course in Fall of 2024. The labs will be strictly face-to-face. This is a hands-on course about modern data networking. This course utilizes mathematical concepts to analyze network performance. Mathematically, it relies on algebra and probability for these analyses. The textbook for this course will be the latest domestic version of Kurose and Ross "Computer Networking: A top-down approach".

Message about Quantum Computing (COT 4601) course

It is likely that Quantum Computing be offered in Spring 2025 by the CS&E department. It is considered a theory course. Although data structures is listed as a prereq, it is waivable.

It covers the following: what is quantum computing, what potential advantages does quantum computing offer over classical digital computing, what hardware is required to satisfy the needs of a quantum computer, what is the mathemtical foundation of quantum computing, how do we use the special properties of quantum mechanics to create an advantage for quantum computer, etc. If you'd like a draft copy of the syllabus, please email me.

Any questions? Please email me. Thank you for your interest.

Quantum Computing Reading Room

If you're interested in quantum computing, here's a couple of accessible articles that might help you get up to speed.

Academia through the years...

There was a time in the not-so-distant past that a syllabus consumed no more than one piece of paper. Here's the syllabus I used for COP4600 in Spring of 1997.

Events at USF that I was involved in

  • In early 1994, I launched the very first version of www.usf.edu. I set up the web server (it was on a SunOS 4.1.3 server called Soleil.acomp.usf.edu) and I set up a DNS CNAME to call it www.usf.edu. It ran with the NCSA Mosaic http server. The first USF web page had two pictures at the top with a gray background. The two pictures were of a contemporary version of Rocky (the USF mascot) and USF's seal. Sadly, there's no copies of this page as it pre-dated the Internet Wayback machine. Prior to launching this site, there was no www.usf.edu and typing it into a browser wouldn't have gone anywhere. I hired a student employee to populate it and within a few months, it was taken over by USF's public relations and marketing staff. The image below is a recreation of what I made in 1994. I'm certain about the bull and seal but the seal would have been more speckeled as it was scanned from some university document. The bull logo was a bitmap that was, at the time, used as the default background image on the PCs in the ENB first floor computer labs.
  • In late 1993, I worked with law enforcement to investigate a hacking incident which lead to the arrest of a computer hacker. It was in the news for a few days and was a relatively big deal.
  • In 1993, I installed a system to fleet maintain the Unix servers in the College of Engineering and in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (more about this below).
  • In 1994, I installed the first production PCs running Linux. These were used to display software running on Sun servers via XWindows for a Chemical Engineering course.
  • In 1994, I installed the first firewalling software in the College of Engineering and the first two factor authentication system.
  • Here's a map I made of the CoE network from 1994; note the T1-based Internet connectivity (1.54 Mbits/sec)
  • In 1995, I installed the first end-user Ethernet node at Moffitt Cancer Center (ip address It was a Macintosh. Prior to this, all end-user PCs at Moffitt either connected via a poorly constructed Token-ring network or SNA.
  • In 1995, Moffitt Cancer Center was on the web and one of first dozen hospitals to have a web presence. A firewall was costume-constructed to ensure that security of Moffitt's systems. This was the first firewall on USF's campus.
  • In 1996, two collegues and I presented the first known presentation documenting the secure collection of clinical trial research data via the web. This talk was to a Florida Epidemilogist conference and talked about what we had built to support the Diabetes Prevention Trial.
  • In 2003, a collegue and I rapidly adopted virtualization technology at Moffitt Cancer Center which significantly reduced computing costs and increased flexibility. I followed-up this idea a year later at a new cancer center that was 100% virtualized. This was years before most hospitals had considered virtualization.
  • In 2015, after more than a decade away from Tampa, I returned to USF to find that the fleet management system I installed in 1993 was still installed in the current servers. I got to physically see these servers just as they were about to get decommisioned. It's crazy to think that something I wrote in 1993 was still being used in 2015 -- 22 years later!

I am a Professor of Practice in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at USF. I have had an interesting and diverse career. For my current day job, I'm a executive vice-president at an e-commerce company. I have been a hospital CIO, a hospital information security officer (ISO), a network engineer, a Unix/Linux system administrator and lots of other technology-focused position.

Research Interests | Education | Publications & Presentations | Professional Affiliations | Courses Taught

Research Interests

My current interests are:

  • What's the best approach to teaching quantum computing to students of varied academic backgrounds?
  • How do we make hospital networks secure given pragmatic realities and behaviors? Given that there are always going to be unknown "zero day" security issues and imperfect users, how do we maximize the security of health care networks?
  • Do antitrust actions and/or inactions lead to true competition in the health care market?
  • What market-based reforms can we employ to increase the economic efficiency of health care in the United States?


Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science
Penn State University
University Park, PA

Master of Science, Computer Science
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida

Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science
Rutgers College, Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey

Bioinformatics Short Course
Quantum Computing Short Course
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

Recent Publications & Presentations

Current and Past Professional Affiliations

Courses Taught

  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CNT 4104: Computer Networking for IT, Spring 2024
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, COT 4601: Quantum Computing, Spring 2024
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CNT 4104: Computer Networking for IT, Fall 2023
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CNT 4104: Computer Networking for IT, Spring 2023
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CNT 4104: Computer Networking for IT, Fall 2022
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, COT 4601: Quantum Computing, Spring 2022
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, COT 4601: Quantum Computing, Fall 2021
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, COT 4601: Quantum Computing, Spring 2021
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Spring 2021
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4930: Quantum Computing, Fall 2020
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Fall 2020
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4930: Quantum Computing, Spring 2020
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Spring 2020
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Fall 2019
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Summer 2019
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Spring 2019
  • Pennsylvania State University, Department of Health Policy Administration, HPA 588: Health Care Informatics, Spring 2019(co-taught)
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Fall 2018
  • Pennsylvania State University, Department of Health Policy Administration, HPA 588: Health Care Informatics, Fall 2018 (co-taught)
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Summer 2018
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, COP 2513: Object Oriented Programming, Spring 2018
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Spring 2018
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Fall 2017
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Summer 2017
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Spring 2017
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CIS 4935: Senior Project in Information Technology, Fall 2016
  • Pennsylvania State University - Hershey, Department of Public Health Sciences, PHS 530: Health Services Research, Select lectures regarding healthcare consolidation, 2016-2020
  • Pennsylvania State University - Hershey, Department of Public Health Sciences, PHS 500: Research Ethics, Select lectures regarding data ethics, 2012-2017
  • Daytona State College, External Advisor to Undergraduate Student Project 2015
  • Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg, Department of Business Administration, Info Sys 585: Medical Informatics,Spring 2009
  • Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg, Department of Business Administration, Info Sys 585: Medical Informatics, Spring 2007
  • Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg, Department of Business Administration, Info Sys 390: Information Systems Management & Applications, Spring 2006
  • Wayne State University, Department of Computer Science, CS 1050: Unix/C, Winter 2005
  • Wayne State University, Department of Computer Science, CS 4020: Operating Systems, Summer 2004
  • Wayne State University, Department of Computer Science, CS 1050: Unix/C, Spring 2004
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CS 4600: Operating Systems, Spring 1997
  • University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science, CS 4600: Operating Systems, Summer 1995

Page maintained by: Richard Rauscher