CAP 4660 AI Robotics

-- Fall 2009

Schedule: T & TH 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Location: ENG 4
Instructor: Yu Sun (contact information)
Office Hours: ENB 331, T & TH 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
TA: Yun Lin (gtlinyun AT gmail DOT com)
TA Hours: ENB 329, M 10:00-11:00 AM & TH 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Students will be taught -
1. fundamentals of robotics
2. algorithms for designing robot motion
3. examples of robotic systems

Data structure, basic linear Algebra and Matlab
Robot Modeling and Control by Mark M. Spong, Seth Hutchinso, and M. Vidyasagar (ISBN: 9780471649908)

Recommended: Robotics, Modelling, Planning and Control By Bruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco, Luigi Villani, Giuseppe Oriolo
Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations, by Howie Choset, Kevin M. Lynch, Seth Hutchinson, George Kantor
Introduction to AI Robotics, by Robin R. Murphy

Schedule (tentative):
Date Topics and notes Reading Homework Due
25 Aug Introduction
27 Aug Basics of Robotics Chapter 1
01 Sep Linear algebra revisit and programming tutorial Appendix A
03 Sep Representing positions and rotations Chapter 2.1, 2.2
08 Sep Rotational transformations Chapter 2.3, 2.4 HW1
10 Sep Parameterizations of rotations Chapter 2.5, 2.6
15 Sep Homogeneous transformations Chapter 2.7
17 Sep Kinematic chains and DH convention Chapter 3.1 3.2
22 Sep DH convention Chapter 3.2 HW2 HW1
24 Sep Forward kinematics and inverse kinematics Chapter 3.2
29 Sep Guess speaker Dr. Redwan Alqasemi & Inverse kinematics
01 Oct Inverse kinematics -- Geometric approach Chapter 3.3
06 Oct Angular velocity Chapter 4.1-5
08 Oct Jacobian Chapter 4.6 HW2
13 Oct Mid-term exam 1
15 Oct Canceled
20 Oct Jacobian 4.6
22 Oct Sensors and actuators Hand out HW3
27 Oct Trajectory design Chapter 5.5
29 Oct Configuration space and Gest speaker Dr. Luther Palmer Chapter 5.1
03 Nov Search algorithm and motion planning Hand out and Chapter 5.4
05 Nov Motion planning -- PRM Chapter 5.4 HW4 HW3
10 Nov Motion planning -- potential field Chapter 5.2-3
12 Nov Dynamics Chapter 7.1-2 Final project out HW4
17 Nov Mid-term exam 2
19 Nov Guest Lecture
24 Nov Review
01 Dec Research Topics Report
03 Dec Final project presentations

Most of the homework has programming problems that can be completed in C/C++ or Matlab.

Final project:
The final project will be announced in early November.

40% homework (10% each assignment))
20% mid-term 1
20% mid-term 2
20% final project and presentation
Using your USF NetID, you will be able to access your grades on Blackboard.

Course Policies:
Attendance: each absence will reduce the student's final grade by 2%.
Late assignments: the grade will be reduced 20% for each day after due day.
Plagiarism: if you are caught cheating/plagiarizing, you will receive "F" for you final course grade. Please refer USF Undergraduate Catalogue.
HINI outbreak: if there is an outbreak and the USF is closed, the class will continue on blackboard (
Notes and tapes: all the notes or tapes are not permitted for purpose of sale.

* Every part of this syllabus is subject to adjustment.