The Gigabit Ethernet Project

Simulation models

This page makes available simulation models developed as part of the Gigabit Ethernet Project. Unless otherwise stated, all software is made available here for open use with no restrictions. The models all require the CSIM18 function libraries. CSIM18 is a commercial product available from Mesquite Software, Inc.

Switch models

Several models of output queued (OQ), input queued (IQ), combined input and crossbar queued (CICQ), and virtual input queued parallel packet switches (VIQ PPS) have been developed. Models have been developed for both cell and variable-length packets versions. Each model is contained in a zip file with a readme.txt describing build and execution of the model. Additional models are available. Contact to Ken Christensen ( to make sure you have the latest model version. CSIM18 must be obtained directly from the vendor (Mesquite Software, Inc.).

The continued development of this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. 9875177. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflects the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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Last updated by Ken Christensen on DECEMBER 20, 2003