Traffic modeling for gigabit applications


The traffic characteristics of future gigabit applications have not yet been predicted. Current traffic models may not be applicable for gigabit applications. Better knowledge of traffic from expected gigabit applications is needed to be able to predict network performance. For example, what are the expected characteristics of image retrieval, WWW server clustering, network caching for data-intensive computing applications, and high-definition video delivery?


Our objective is to characterize traffic from representative gigabit applications and networks. We will analyze the user behavior, data object characteristics, and application and protocol behaviors. We are especially interested in understanding root causes of any traffic characteristic differences between gigabit and lower-speed networks.

Work completed

We have finished studying the characteristics of bulk data transfer TCP/IP flows in a fully switched Gigabit Ethernet network. We investigated flow characteristics as a function of link speed (100 and 1000-Mbps), server load, operating system (Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Linux), and the number of simultaneous clients accessing a server.

We have also comprared Internet1 and Internet 2 traffic for common and dissimilar characteristics.

Work in progress

None. This part of the project is complete.


The following papers have been published: The following traffic traces are available:
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. 9875177. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflects the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Last updated by Ken Christensen on DECEMBER 20, 2003