Welcome to my Home Page!


Tahvia R. Shaw

Terrace Community School
4801 E. Fowler Ave.
Tampa Florida,33617
813-987-6555 ext.108


Purpose Education Lesson Plans Presentations Links Comments Please



This web page is being produced as part of a project being conduct by a RET (Research experience for Teachers) which is Funded by The National Science Foundation under Grant No.9875177. The project sponsor is Dr. Ken Christensen an Associate Professor at The University of South Florida in the department of computer science and engineering.

The purpose of this web page is to present lesson plans that will be generated by our project and to share with other teachers interested in implementing technology in their classrooms.

Tahvia Shaw "The Teacher"


I received my BS at Kentucky State University in Biology Education. I have future goals to obtain a Masters Degree in administration from USF. I am currently a 5th grade math and science teacher at Terrace community school TCS. I am entering my 4th year at TCS.

Terrace Community School is a public school of choice, a charter school of the Back to basics charter school foundation. Students at TCS are in grades 5 to 8 and come from all areas of Hillsborough county. TCS gives parents the opportunity to send their children to a school that has high academic standards, small classes (22 students per class) and gives students the tools they need to succeed in school.

I am participating in this RET assignment to gain skills and knowledge of computer science to incorporate computer skills and technology into my math classes. Terrace Community School is committed to offering its students innovative and creative applications of technology. As a faculty member at TCS, I understand the importance of implementing technology into the classroom.

Lesson Plans



Here are links to my favorite lesson plan sharing websites: During my RET rotation I found some very interesting websites that aided me in my research on internet performance.

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