
This page describes the deliverables for Senior Project. See the templates page for document, presentation, and poster templates.

Status report and video demo:

Are you making visible progress towards meeting your requirements? What did you accomplish in the last two weeks? What are your goals for the next two weeks? If you were unable to accomplish your goals, do you know why and do you have a plan to fix the underlying problem(s)? Each group will submit a one page status report plus a 5 minute video showing progress to date by 5pm Friday of weeks #3, #5, #7, #9, and #14. Progress is measured by requirements being completed. The status report template is on the templates page.

Requirements document:

Do you know what problem you are solving? Do you know what your customer needs and wants? In order for your project to be successful, you must concisely and precisely describe the project requirements. Requirement items must be measurable so that it can be determined if they have been met (and how well they have been met). Requirement items must be numbered so that they can be traced throughout the project. Traceability is key to the success of large projects. The requirements are locked for changes after the MVP demo described below.

Peer design review presentation and feedback:

Real projects typically have design reviews. Here you present to your peers the problem (requirements) and your proposed solution (specification/design). Your peers critique your design and provide useful feedback. In a peer design review, everyone learns from everyone else. Presentation time limit is strictly TBD minutes plus TBD minutes for questions.

Specification document:

Do you know how to solve the problem and meet your requirements? This document should clearly describe the solution (i.e., the design). A design could be a high-level flowchart or a hardware block diagram. For software with a user interface, a design must contain mock-ups of the user interface. The document must include details on the methods that will be used to solve the problem and complete traceability to all requirements. The customer must be convinced that you have a workable and feasible design (i.e., that you know how to solve their problem in a feasible manner). Your specification must make it clear that you have incorporated appropriate engineering standards and have considered multiple design constraints in areas including (but not limited to) accessibility, aesthetics, codes, constructability, cost, ergonomics, extensibility, functionality, interoperability, legal considerations, maintainability, manufacturability, marketability, policy, regulations, standards, sustainability, and/or usability. The specification items must be traceable to the project requirements (a traceability matrix is required).

Test plan document:

How do you know you met the requirements (validation)? How do you know you implemented the specification correctly (verification)? Describe your test strategy as a design of experiments for for validation and verification. Include two completely defined test case. A test case must describe 1) the requirement or specification number that is covered, 2) system set-up, 3) procedure to execute, and 4) exact expected results. Good test cases should cover expected and unexpected inputs. A good test plan will show complete traceability to all requirement and specification items (a traceability matrix is required).

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) demonstration:

A MVP is typically the first deliverable to a customer. An MVP achieves something minimially useful for the customer. For this course, the MVP demonstration should show completion of most user requirements. All interfaces (including user interfaces) should be complete. At this point, you can ask your customer "is this what you wanted?" and still have time to make changes in the requirements (and design) and implement them. The customer must be able to see that all features are in place (but, perhaps not fully working). You need to be able to discuss constraints, relevant standards, risks (and risk mitigation), and design trade-offs at the time of this demo.

Final presentation, demo, and submission of deliverables:

This is the grand finale - the final presentation with demo and submission of deliverables. The most important part of the final presentation is the demo. It is recommended that the demo - even the entire presentation - be done with a video. Very critically, the demo must explicitly show that the requirements were met. Example demo videos will be made available. The time limit for the presentation plus video is TBD minutes plus TBD minutes for questions. The final submission contents and format is described here. The final deliverables include a poster and press release.

Final presentation and demonstration to company:

Your final presentation and demonstration is given to your company customer at the company site.

Last update on January 3, 2025