Professional Activities
Invited Talks and Conference Presentations
* = student
Farhath Zareen* and Robert Karam“Detecting RTL Trojans using Artificial Immune Systems and High Level Behavior Classification”. Presented in Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), December 2018. [Lecture Presentation]
Robert Karam, Zhonghua (Aileen) Ouyang, Tim Bruns, Steve Majerus, and Margot Damaser. “Dynamic Time Warping Parameter Optimization for Blader Event Detection Algorithm”. Presented at the Society for Pelvic Research Annual Meeting (SPR), December 2018. [Lecture Presentation in session on Novel Therapeutics and Diagnostics]
Robert Karam, Tamzidul Hoque, Kevin Butler, and Swarup Bhunia. “Mixed-Granular Architectural Diversity for Device Security in the Internet of Things”. Presented in Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), October 2017. [Lecture Presentation in session on Internet of Things and Cyberphysical System Security]
Robert Karam, Somnath Paul, Ruchir Puri, and Swarup Bhunia. “Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Accelerator for Data Intensive Analytics”. Presented in SRC TECHCON in session on Beyond von Neumann Architectures, September 2016.
Swarup Bhunia, Robert Karam. “Malleable Memory-Centric Hardware Accelerator Using RRAM for Data-Intensive Applications: Device-Circuit-System Co-Design Approach”. Co-presented in SRC/GRC e-Workshop, August 2016.
Robert Karam, Swarup Bhunia. Steve Majerus, Steven W. Brose, Margot S. Damaser, and Dennis Bourbeau. “Real-time Autonomous Bladder Event Classification and Closed-Loop Control from Single-Channel Pressure Data”. 38th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), August 2016. [Lecture Presentation in session on Diagnostic Systems and Technologies]
Robert Karam, Rui Liu, Pai-Yu Chen, Shimeng Yu, and Swarup Bhunia. “Security Primitive Design with Nanoscale Devices: A Case Study with Resistive RAM”, 26th edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), May 2016 [Invited, presented in special session on Emerging Technology Devices for Security]
Robert Karam, Kai Yang, and Swarup Bhunia. “Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Computing Using Spintronic Memory”. 58th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). [Invited, presented in special session on Emerging Nanoelectronic Logic and Memory Devices based Circuits and Architectures
Robert Karam and Swarup Bhunia. “Memory-Centric Adaptive Accelerator for Data-Intensive Kernels”, IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, May 2015. [Invited presentation in IBM CMOS Forum]
Somnath Paul, Saibal Mukhopadhyay, and Swarup Bhunia, “Robust
Low-Power Reconfigurable Computing with a Variation-Aware Preferential
Design Approach”, IEEE International Conference on Integrated
Circuit Design and Technology (ICICDT), 2014. [Invited, presented
by Robert Karam in session on Design Methodologies
for Memory and Circuit Reliability]
TPC Memberships
- IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design / Embedded Systems (2018)
- IFIP International Internet of Things Conference (2019, 2020)
- IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (2019)
- ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) (2019)
- IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (2020)
Organizing Committee
- IFIP International Internet of Things Conference (2019): Publicity Co-Chair, PhD Forum Co-Chair
- IEEE Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (2020): A/V Co-Chair