Useful Links
Online Content
- Hardware Security Group in Facebook
- Trust-hub: A Hub for Hardware Trust Resources
- Hardware Trojans - (Wiki Page)
- Hardware Obfuscation - (Wiki Page)
- Reconfigurable Computing - (Wiki Page)
- Computing with Memory - (Wiki Page)
- The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE)
Benchmark Circuits / Models
- SoC RTL Model
- ISCAS 85 Benchmark Circuits
- ISCAS 89 Benchmark Circuits
- ITC 99 Benchmark Circuits
- SPEC 2000 Benchmarks
- MiBench Embedded Benchmark Suite
- Predictive Technology Model (PTM)
Free Simulation Software
- LT-Spice (Transistor level circuit simulator)
- SimpleScalar (Program performance analysis tool)
- Wattch (Microarchitecture level power-performance simulator)
- CACTI: An integrated cache access time, area, and power model
- VPR and T-VPack: Versatile Packing, Placement and Routing for FPGA
Conferences and Workshops
- IEEE CEDA Upcoming Conferences
- IEEE HOST and AsianHOST (Hardware Security)
- IFIP Internet of Things Conference
If you find any broken links or have suggestions for free tools or resources, please let me know!